We at R. Akiva are excited for you that you have arrived at this special time, the Bar Mitzvah of your dear son or grandson.

It is important for us to give you the special experience that will give you everything you need for a perfect event in one affordable package.

And of course without compromising on quality and on the hidour.

    • It is highly recommended to give special attention to Bar Mitzvah Tefillin because this is an opportunity to purchase long-lasting Tefillin. It’s not a good idea to compromise on the quality of the Tefillin.
    • Once you’re already investing in the purchase of Tefillin, make sure they are kosher and not just  “chunks of black leather.”

Please note there are 4 different sets to choose from.

All the Tefillin in the Sets displayed here are according to Eidot HaMizrach. (Ashkenazi and Hassidic Tefillin can be obtained by special order).

And as a gift from us for your special day, we don’t charge for delivery of the sets.

The meaning of a Bar Mitzvah

Tefillin are a sign of the covenant and connection between the Jewish People and the Creator of the world. The first mitzvah of every Jewish boy on reaching the age of 13, the age of Bar Mitzvah, is putting on Tefillin.

The purpose of Tefillin is connection – connecting the Tefillin to the hand and strengthening our connection to HaKadosh Boruch Hu.

We also link the maturing child and bring him into the adult world linking him to the chain of generations a people who are always connected to their Father in Heaven.