Returns and Refunds Policy

I don’t want this item

Changed your mind? We are happy to refund or exchange unwanted items in perfect condition within 21 days of receipt. Please click here to reach our customer helpdesk where one of our Customer Service representatives will be able to start your return. When returning non-defective items, you are responsible for the shipping fees and all other inferred costs. Please be aware that all items to be returned must be sent directly to our offices in Israel or we will be unable to begin processing your refund.

The following items can be returned:

  • Unopened items
  • Unused Judaica items 

All items must retain their original packaging, tags, and accessories.

The following items cannot be returned:

  • Personalized items like embroidered or engraved items

You will not be refunded for these items.

My item is damaged

If your product is broken or otherwise defective, you must let us know within seven days of receiving your package. Send photographs of the damaged item to our Customer Service team here. We’ll refund your return shipping costs and either issue a refund or send a replacement item according to your wishes.