The R. Akiva Center
for Purchasing
STa"M Products

R. Meir Akiva, a professional Sofer STa”M, is the owner/manager of the “R. Akiva Center for Purchasing STa”M Products”, an exclusive company selling mehudar products in Israel and world-wide. Before opening the company, R. Meir had the privilege of writing Sifrei Torah, Megillot and Mezuzot, gaining extensive experience in every area connected to Safrut.

R. Meir describes what changed his life and forced him to abandon writing:

Several years ago, I was a victim of a terrorist attack. Fortunately, my hand injury healed, but I found I could no longer concentrate well enough to continue writing. Good concentration is essential for preventing mistakes, G-d forbid. My soul, however, would not let me leave the field, for I saw it as my mission to share my broad knowledge and even more importantly, I felt an obligation to enable Jews to acquire STa”M products with no halachic compromises.

Today the company employs G-d-fearing Sofrim and professionals who engage in their sacred work, under R. Meir’s supervision, enabling Jews to keep the mitzvot properly.
R. Meir provides personalized Safrut services: Tefillin, Mezuzot and Megillot in all sizes. All products are written strictly according to halachah and undergo Rabbinic examination and computer checking. All work follows the highest standards and is extremely reliable.
He also sells Tallitot, Tefillin and Tallit bags, Mezuzah cases, Birkonim and more.
R. Meir is available for private consultation, guidance and purchasing of all STa”M products.
Don’t hesitate to contact R. Meir at any time.