Bar Mitzvah Set “Emerald”


What’s in the set:

  • Special Special tefillin mehudarot sfardi size 34 mm (Ribua regel mekuvan at additional charge)
  • Tallit 100% wool (Ptil tchelet at additional charge!)
  • Choice of tallit and tefillin bags (free of charge! Our gift to you!)
  • Exclusive white faux leather siddur

(NOTE: Pictures shown in the Product gallery are for illustration purposes only)

Please contact us to choose the tallit (color and size, your choice of fringes and tying custom), tallit and tefillin bag (material and color of bag, name for embroidery) and the siddur (name to emboss).

Ashkenazi and Hassidic Tefillin can be obtained by special order at an additional charge.




  • Tefillin Mehudarot:
    • Size of the tefillin battim (boxes): 34 mm x 34 mm
    • Tefillin battim made from the leather of a beheimah gassah
    • Tefillin prudot–completely separated
    • Retzuot (straps), high quality, handmade, black on both sides
    • Parshiot mehudarot written by a yarei shamayim (G-d fearing) sofer STA”M who immersed in a mikveh before writing
    • Tiug malei (all of the crowns) according to halachah
    • Parshiot (parchments) checked by a certified rav and checked by computer
    • You can receive a photocopy of the parshiot made before the tefillin are closed.
  • Choice of Tallit mehuderet 100% wool (Ptil tchelet at additional charge!)
  • Choice of tallit and tefillin bags with embroidered name. (free of charge! Our gift to you!)
  • Exclusive siddur, Eidot HaMizrach, Faux leather, embossed with name.


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