Mehudar Mezuza Size 12


  • Mehudar mezuzah
  • Size 12 cm
  • Sfardi


  • Mehudar  mezuzah  is written by a sofer (scribe) who is a great yarei shamayim (G-d-fearing person).

All our sofrim are yarei shamayim, certified, and knowledgeable in all the halachos related to writing the mezuzah, and they are very careful to immerse in a mikveh. Their writing is considered mehudar according to all opinions.

  • Tagin (crowns) on all the letters according to halachah

The letters ‘Shin’(ש),’ Ayin’(ע),’ Tet’(ט), ‘Nun’(נ), ‘Gimmel’(ג) and ‘Tzaddi’(צ) (known collectively by the acronym sha’atnez getz (שעטנז גצ) ) each have three tagin.

The letters ‘Beit’(ב), ‘Dalet’(ד), ‘Kuf’(ק), ‘Chet’(ח), ‘Yud’(י) and ‘Hei’(ה) (known collectively by the acronym bedek chayah (בדק חיה) ) each have one tag.

In order for the parshiyot of the tefillin to be mehudarot, all the above letters must have tagin including the letter ‘Yud’(י).


  • The meggiah (proofreader) and computer check

After the sofer writes the mezuzah, it is checked by a meggiah, a certified rabbi, who is able to indentify certain problems in the sofer’s writing that the sofer himself might not even be aware of.


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