Tiny size Mehudar+


  • Pitzponim (tiny size) Mehudar+
  • Tefillin ‘Beheimah Gassah’
  • ‘Battim prudim’  (-battim completely separated)
  • Ribua regel mekuvan
  • Battim approximately  Size 22 mm
  • Mehudar parshiyot
  • Sfardi

Make sure to chose further down the right Tefillin for your needs:

  • Choose between Right handed or Left handed (Right handed people wear Tefillin on the left arm and left handed people wear Tefillin on their right arm.)
  • Rashi or Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin: There is a dispute between Rashi and his grandson, Rabbeinu Tam, concerning the order of writing the Parshiyot and placing them in the battim of the tefillin shel rosh. Because there are people who want to fulfill both shittos (ways), they also don the Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin during or after davening. Note that these tefillin are not obligatory, but rather an important chumrah (stringency).
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  • Tefillin Mehudarot

Mehudar (beautiful) means that a lot of time, hard work and halachic precision went into making all three of the tefillin components:

  1. Parshiyot(parchments) 2. Battim (boxes) 3. Retzuot (straps)
  • Parshiyot Mehudarot are written by a sofer (scribe) who is a great yarei shamayim (G-d-fearing person).

The heart of the tefillin is the sofer. The more the sofer has sanctified himself, the greater the sanctity of the tefillin.

All our sofrim are yarei shamayim, certified, and knowledgeable in all the halachot related to writing the parshiyot, and they are very careful to immerse in a mikveh. Their writing is considered mehudar according to all opinions.

  • Tagin (crowns) on all the letters according to halachah

The letters ‘Shin’(ש),’ Ayin’(ע),’ Tet’(ט), ‘Nun’(נ), ‘Gimmel’(ג) and ‘Tzaddi’(צ) (known collectively by the acronym sha’atnez getz (שעטנז גצ) ) each have three tagin.

The letters ‘Beit’(ב), ‘Dalet’(ד), ‘Kuf’(ק), ‘Chet’(ח), ‘Yud’(י) and ‘Hei’(ה) (known collectively by the acronym bedek chayah (בדק חיה) ) each have one tag.

In order for the parshiyot of the tefillin to be mehudarot, all the above letters must have tagin including the letter ‘Yud’(י). 

  • The meggiah (proofreader) and computer check

After the sofer writes the parshiyot, they are checked by a meggiah, a certified rabbi, who is able to indentify certain problems in the sofer’s writing that the sofer himself might not even be aware of.

        Finally, before the parshiyot are placed inside the tefillin battim, they undergo a computer check.                                                                                                                                                          

  • Beheimah Gassah (large animal, cow or bull)

Our Tefillin made from the leather of a beheimah gassah.They are higher quality. They are more durable, less prone to damage, and can be repaired as needed.

  • Battim prudim (completely separated)

Tefillin shel rosh (head tefillin) are separated into four compartments, each one holding a parshiyah (parchment). For battim mehudarim, the compartments are completely separated with no glue between them. Battim that are mostly separated are considered kosher but not mehudar. 

  • Ribua regel mekuvan

 The ribua (square) of the battim is made by a person putting the box into a machine that is turned by foot power. This is considered a hiddur (enhancement) in making the tefillin battim.

  • Gid  between the Battim (these tefillin called mekuvanot)

An additional hiddur (enhancement) for the tefillin shel rosh is a gid (thread made from sinew or ligament) that passes between the four sections of the bayit. There are a number of Rishonim who hold that the gid must be visible from the outside. These tefillin are called mekuvanot. 

  • Tiny tefillin

These especially small tefillin (22 mm x 22 mm) are usually intended for those whose custom is to put on two pairs of tefillin together–Rashi (רש”י) and Rabbenu Tam (רבינו תם) and according to the custom of the Ari (אר”י). Today there are also people who order small tefillin for convenience, such as people who work in security or people who travel a lot.

  • Handmade straps, black on both sides or one side: There are numerous companies that manufacture tefillin straps. We use quality straps made from soft, comfortable leather with a high level of kashrut.


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