The Jewish people are privileged to fulfill the very important and precious mitzvah of laying Tefillin. The goal of putting on Tefillin is to subjugate one’s heart and feelings, as well as one’s mind, the seat of thoughts, to the service of G-d.

The purpose of Tefillin is connection – connecting the Tefillin to the hand and strengthening our connection to HaKadosh Baruch Hu. We also link the maturing child and bring him into the adult world linking him to the chain of generations a people who are always connected to their Father in Heaven.

Therefore, we bind ourselves to Him with the unbreakable connection of a father to a son.

Imagine that you had to choose between several types of cellphones for the purpose of communicating with someone who is very important, close to you and dear to your heart. You are aware that only one type of phone works well with no glitches, but it is more expensive, while the other types only work occasionally, getting disconnected all the time. They allow one call a day and are quite cheap.

The answer is clear. Any intelligent person who cares about his friends and relatives will not hesitate.  He will run to check out the quality device as soon as possible. If we go to this length for our loved ones, shouldn’t we do even more for our Creator?

Isn’t it worth it to connect to our Heavenly Father with quality Tefillin with no disruptions?

Tefillin are two square boxes made out processed leather from a kosher animal. Inside the boxes are parchments, each one contains a portion from the Torah: “Sanctify for me every first-born,” “And it will be when Hashem will bring you,” “Hear O Israel” and “And it shall come to pass.” The Tefillin shel rosh (head Tefillin) contains four parchments, each in a separate compartment, while the Tefillin shel yad (arm Tefillin) has four portions written on one parchment rolled up and inserted into one compartment. The parchments are written by a sofer STA”M (scribe), a G-d-fearing man who must be an expert in all the many halachot of safrut.

Similarly, all the many craftsmen involved in this sacred work are obligated to be G-d-fearing experts in their fields.