The Value of the Mitzvah of Tzitzit

Tzitzit is a great and important mitzvah, equal in weight to all the other mitzvot put together, as brought in the gemara (Menachot 43b) Rabi Shimon bar Yochai says:

Anyone who is quick to perform this mitzvah merits welcoming the Shechinah.

It is also brought in another gemara (Shabbat 23b), the size of the reward for this – Rav Huna said: One who is careful about tzitzit merits a fine tallit.

We also learn (ibid. 32b) Resh Lakish said: Anyone who is careful about tzitzit merits being served by 2,800 slaves.

It is also brought in the Sifrei Kodesh, all who are careful about the mitzvah of tzitzit merit a wife and children, are saved from sin, sheltered from damages and sabotaging angels, and protected from the Evil Eye.

Today this important, precious mitzvah can be kept easily and beautifully by every Jew worldwide.